pillsEmployers could save billion of dollars every year by avoiding “wasteful drugs,” according to BenefitsPro. Guidelines from Pacific Business Group on Health and and researchers from Johns Hopkins University identified 49 high-price medications with less costly alternatives – medications that in 2019 accounted for more than $6 billion in U.S. retail drug spending.
Lauren Vela, representing a West Coast business coalition, notes it can be difficult for employers to tell if their PBM is retaining a portion of rebates and other payments that incentivize them to promote expensive drugs. “You’re hiring an entity to negotiate on your behalf, and the party with whom they’re negotiating is giving them money you don’t know about,” she said.
With MedBen Rx, there are no hidden payments or margin manipulation. Instead, we offer total pricing transparency – all savings and 100% of rebates go back to the client. And when a generic alternative is available, our average substitution rate is 98.4%.
MedBen Rx works for employers to eliminate wasteful prescription drug spending. Learn how by contacting our Sales & Marketing Department at 888-627-8683.