aspirinAn article released by Health Payer Intelligence focuses on the concern that employers have about the rising cost of health care. More specifically, the article states that with 85 percent of employers surveyed, pharmacy pricing was their predominant concern going into 2020. As a result, employers are open to exploring new methods of cost control.

MedBen clients are already ahead of the game when it comes to pharmaceutical savings strategies. With MedBen Rx Advocate and MedBen Rx Alliance, they were able to realize an average savings of 11.3% in 2018, compared to the traditional PBM pricing models.

MedBen Rx Advocate has a proprietary approach that clearly defines pharmaceutical costs for our clients. With MedBen Rx Advocate, there are no more frustrating and confusing formulas on how your discount was developed, or questions about who is profiting off of your drug costs.  We even give all rebates back to our clients, further cushioning the cost of prescriptions.

MedBen Rx Alliance is a program for hospitals and other certain qualified entities that can deliver even deeper savings.

For more information on how one of our pharmacy solutions can have you worrying less about prescription prices, visit us at or call Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brian Fargus at 888-627-8683.